Dry rot causing species of fusarium prevalent in Republic of Tatarstan isolated Fusarium species causing
dry rot in potatoes that were grown in Republic of Tatarstan in 2014
Dry rot causing species of fusarium prevalent in Republic of Tatarstan isolated Fusarium species causing
dry rot in potatoes that were grown in Republic of Tatarstan in 2014
Effectiveness of biological products for control of the most significant mycoses on potato crops/ha was the most effective for control of early blight, late blight, fusarium
dry rot and rhizoctonia canker
ВИДОВОЙ СОСТАВ ГРИБОВ РОДА Fusarium Link НА КУЛЬТУРЕ ЧЕСНОКА В УСЛОВИЯХ МОСКОВСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ sensitivity to pathogenic fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes. Currently, Fusarium
dry rot caused by soil
Molecular identification and comparative characterization of Fusarium isolates, obtained from potato plants of wilting potato plants and conditionally healthy tubers are, to varying degrees, capable of causing
dry rot Fungal Decomposition of Oat Straw during Liquid and Solid-State FermentationWhite
rot fungi (Coriolus hirsutus, Coriolus zonatus, and Cerrena maxima from the collection